Richard Dumbrill

Leading expert in archaeomusicology of the ancient Near and Middle-East. His publications include “The Archaeomusicology of the Ancient Near East” and “The Idiophones of the Ancient Near East” in the collections of the British Museum; “The Silver Lyre of Ur”, with Myriam Marcetteau and “The Elamite Harps”, with Margaux Bousquet; a translation of Al-Farabi’s works on music and a catalogue of the cylinder seals with musical scenes in the collections of the British Museum. Richard Dumbrill is the founder of ICONEA, (International Conference of Near Eastern Archaeomusicology, now hosted at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford) with conferences held at the British Museum and at the Sorbonne University Paris. Richard Dumbrill is a consultant/advisor for the Babylon Festival in Iraq.