June 17, 2018

Musical Tradition in the Orient – Music Conference

Music Conference: Musical Tradition in the Orient
(free entrance)

Theo Krispijn (NL), Archaeomusicology: what do we know about Music from the Ancient Near East.

Richard Dumbrill (UK), Archaeomusicology: how to interpret the sources for music from the Ancient Near East.

Nidaa Abou Mrad (LB), The Generative Grammar of Modal Monodies

Kudsi Erguner (TR), Ottoman Music

Anne van Oostrum (NL), ‘Music of the Hejaz in the collection of the Dutch scholar Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936)’

Contemporary music from the Middle East (Martijn BuserGaudeamus; Davo van PeursenDonemus)

Doors open: 12:00
Program start: 13:00



Drs. Theo J.H. Krispijn (NL) is a leading authority in Sumerian and Akkadian musical terminology. Teaches at the renowned University of Leiden, Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen, Leiden Institute for Area Studies, SMES Assyriologie, and is widely and authoritatively published. Theo Krispijn was born in 1949 in The Hague, the Netherlands. Academic Studies: Theology (1967-1972) and Semitic Languages/Assyriology: specialization Sumerian Language at Leiden University, the Netherlands (1968-1974); Assyriology in Munich, Germany 1976 -1977. Research Assistant Assyriology for the Sumerian Language (1974-1975). University Teacher for the Sumerian Language (1975-) Publications on the grammar and the lexicography of the Sumerian Language, Sumerian Religion and Literature and Ancient Near Eastern music.

Richard Dumbrill (UK) is a leading expert in archaeomusicology of the ancient Near and Middle-East. His publications include “The Archaeomusicology of the Ancient Near East” and “The Idiophones of the Ancient Near East” in the collections of the British Museum; “The Silver Lyre of Ur”, with Myriam Marcetteau and “The Elamite Harps”, with Margaux Bousquet; a translation of Al-Farabi’s works on music and a catalogue of the cylinder seals with musical scenes in the collections of the British Museum. Richard Dumbrill is the founder of ICONEA, (International Conference of Near Eastern Archaeomusicology, now hosted at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford) with conferences held at the British Museum and at the Sorbonne University Paris. Richard Dumbrill is a consultant/advisor for the Babylon Festival in Iraq..

Nidaa Abou Mrad (LB) is a Professor of Musicology (PhD in Music and Musicology), Medical Doctor, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research and Dean of the Faculty of Music and Musicology at the Antonine University (Lebanon). Author of the book Éléments de sémiotique modale: Essai de grammaire générative pour les traditions monodiques and of more than thirty articles published in leading journals of musicology. Abou Mrad received in 2017 the CNRS Seventh Annual Research Excellence Award, for his works in Multidisciplinary Cognitive Sciences. Professor Abou Mrad is one of the rare continuators of the classical Arabic near-eastern musical tradition related to the modal system of maqâm, as a violinist and improviser as well as a composer carrying out in the style of the Nahda masters (Arabic renaissance of the 19th century), following an artistic approach deeply impregnated with Sufi spirituality.

Kudsi Erguner (TR) lives and works in Paris as musician, composer, musicologist and teacher. He is a master ney player in the world and one of the foremost experts of Ottoman Sufi music. He published many CD’s both solo and with several ensembles. Two great examples are Islam Blues’ and ‘Taj Mahal’, a collaboration with Ustad Sultan Khan. He can also be heard on Peter Gabriel’s soundtrack ‘Passion’.

Dr. Anne van Oostrum (NL) is a lecturer of cultural musicology at the Department of Musicology, University of Amsterdam. She studied Arabic language and culture at the University of Leiden and music (flute) at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague. She then turned to ethnomusicology and after a few years of fieldwork in Egypt she finished her PhD thesis The Art of Nāy playing in modern Egypt (2004) at the University of Leiden. She is a researcher in the field of the music of the Arab world and recently published articles on music recorded in the Hejaz (coastal province of present-day Saudi Arabia) collected by the Dutch Arabist Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936).

Davo van Peursen (NL) is a managing director at Donemus. Donemus is the Music Publishing House for Contemporary Classical Music. Originally founded in 1947 it was part of Music Center the Netherlands until the end of 2012. The new Donemus took over all contracts of 11.000 compositions by 600 composers. WIth a efficient workflow, a sophisticated webshop and an advanced business approach Donemus is runned by Davo and a small team of dedicated colleagues. Over years Davo developed a sharp sense to connect promising composers and compositions to wide range of performers from amateurs to professionals and from soloists to opera companies.

Martijn Buser (NL) is a programming director and producer at Gaudeamus. Gaudeamus presents, stimulates and supports the latest music by young music pioneers. The concerts and activities of Gaudeamus, such as the annual Gaudeamus Muziekweek festival, international co-productions and the Gaudeamus Award, are leading the way in contemporary music. Gaudeamus scouts young talent and contributes to its professional development. For more than 70 years Gaudeamus is breaking new ground supporting music pioneers worldwide. Gaudeamus knows how to present the music of tomorrow to curious music lovers.





Grounds, Pieter de Hoochweg 125, 3024 BG Rotterdam